
My Content was Stolen!

I was on my bed yesterday night getting ready to sleep and I took out my phone to google something and I googled for “Clarins birthday gift”. From the search result page I notice a similar writing but it’s at some weird website. I click on the page and to my horror I saw my blog post in the site! Yes. My content was stolen!

The website is http://www.fotoweekdcawards.org/. This is what the fella stole from my blog.

This is my original blog post. I copied it down by portion.

As you can see, everything is mine. The thief even add some of his/her own writing in after the paragraph ended at “Can I have more days like this?”. Check this out.

I have contacted the site owner and given him/her 2 days notice to remove the content. If he/her refuse to remove, I will contact other content owner which he/her had copied from and make everyone report his site to DMCA (The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998)

Comments (2)

  • I hate these ppl/syndicates!

  • Me too! Sigh


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