Skin Care Tips Tips

Know Your Skincare: How much skincare product amount do you need to apply?

I stumbled upon an interesting article on Huffington Post yesterday that I thought I should share it with everyone here at Street Love. Often I was asked about the amount of skincare product to apply. Honestly I’ve been bad myself as I slather probably more than I should on my face. Yeap. I’m guilty of doing that. So to not repeat my mistake, here is an infographic chart brilliantly done by Tiara Chiaramonte.

Tiara Chiaramonte Skincare Illustration
For the full article elaboration of each skincare product, please visit Huffington Post. All we need to do now is to convert above foreign coin size to Malaysia coin size 😀


Comments (10)

  • the last sentence made me LOLed in office XD

    • Teeheeheehee! True right? We wouldn’t know how big is USD a quarter 😛

  • I’m guilty of using excess product too since I’m trying to use up my stash!

    • Same here. Just slather and slather and slather! lol

  • Very useful, once we figure out the coinage size.
    I’m not too bad with my quantities…can be stingy on the pricier products lol

    • Exactly, as our coin size shrunk a bit after the new coins were implemented. I’m running low on pricier products so I’ve been really stingy with the amount hehe. Whitening cream can put a hole in the wallet.

  • Like this post !! And yes, the only issue here is to know how big is a quarter or a dime 🙂

    Thanks for sharing.

    • No problemo! Yes we need to find out the coin size haha 😀

  • Thanks for sharing. We should get someone to send us some coins from the US 🙂

    • Let’s ask around lololol 😛


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