Category / Dr LeWinn’s

Dr LeWinn's Make Up - Remover Review: Make Up

Dr LeWinn’s Essentials 4 Fusion Cleansing Oil: The Only Cleansing Oil I Would Suggest You To RUN AND GET IT. Don’t Walk. RUN!

Dr LeWinn's Essentials 4 Fusion Cleansing Oil 1
My all time favourite cleansing oil to remove all my makeup is from SK-II. But that thing is SO EXPENSIVE that I can never repurchase again and again whenever I ran out. While trying to save every last bit of the cleansing oil, which I hold on for dear life, I have been alternating with every other sort of makeup removers. Creams, lotions, micellar water, makeup wipes…you name it. Then came Dr LeWinn’s Essentials 4 Fusion Cleansing Oil. Bye SK-II!