Category / Scent Maker

Event News Scent Maker

The Story of Scent Maker and Its Fragrances

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Every brand has a story, every perfumer behind a fragrance has a story. Even every scent has a story. And Scent Maker is all about translating what the perfumer feels and went through in life to a new fragrance scent. Scent Maker is about the story of the perfumer. To the perfumer, each scent is a chapter to a new journey. He stores all the scent memories that he picked up in his mind. As time goes by, he begins to translate these scents into fragrances. It is an olfactive language that makes people reacts to him according to how he want it to be through scents. People react based on the scents that he chooses and how he chooses them to experience them, while the memories and emotions that develop from experiences define him. Every Scent Maker fragrance is the perfumer’s representatives of a journey, memory and a story.