Category / Vitacare

Health & Living Lifestyle Sunday Vitacare

Lifestyle Sunday: Discovering Live Blood Analysis at Vitacare Health & Wellness Discovery Journey

Vitacare Health & Wellness Discovery Journey 1
Besides beauty, as you know health and wellness played a huge part in my current lifestyle as I embarked on adapting a healthier lifestyle to my everyday life. So when Vitacare invited me over to their store at The Gardens Mall, I jumped onto the opportunity as I was told we were going to learn about Live Blood Analysis (LBA). I was a curious cat as usual, trying to figure out in advance what is LBA. I was told there will be a live demonstration but I wasn’t told that the demonstration is an eye opening event and one would be amazed with it. Well, I was amazed alright. I walked out of Vitacare that day in awe and I am still in awe whenever the demonstration flashes back into my mind.

We get to see a few volunteer’s Live Blood Analysis that morning. The first volunteer stepped out, had her middle finger lightly poked with a needle to draw out just a small dot of blood and all of us get to sit down and look at the huge screen in front of us.