Hair Care - Styling Product Liese Watsons

Review: Liese Designing Jelly II Swing Wave

A while ago I bought 2 scrunchies to hold the curls on my hair when I sleep. The curl turns out to be gorgeous but does not last at all on my hair as I have long, straight and soft hair. Sad to say the curl was gone in less than 30 minutes! Since I was a kid till err now? my hair is stubbornly straight + smooth and my mum doesn’t seem to be successful in plating my hair. If I want to tong or curl my hair, I need not to waste the time. I just need to go for permanent hair perming which I can’t stand. So I decided to pick up Liese Designing Jelly in #II Swing Wave with a slight hope this can hold my hair till end of the day. Choosing this was a painful experience too as they have I, II, III and IV. Each have a different name which is very misleading as there’s also another advise to pick up accordingly to the strongness you want. After wasting so much time deciding I picked up #II Swing Wave simply because it’s for creating wavy hair.

Liese Designing Jelly II Swing Wave retailing at RM28.80. Can’t remember this is original price or after discount.

I agree on the tagline “No sticky wax feeling or stiff gel look”. It really doesn’t!

Back of the packaging.

The bottle is cute!

Especially the cap. You can see the cap resemble a rose and cute lil butterflies around the cap.

Pump works great but sometimes could over dispense the content out if we press too hard.

The content is transparent in colour. Smells nice and the smell is exactly the same with Lucidol product.

Tadaaa! This is the result of using the product while sleeping haha. Step by step on how to create a wavy hair on later post.

The only thing I regret is not getting #III or #IV. Should have gotten stronger ones.

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored review. I bought the product on my own.

Comments (5)

  • Can I know how to apply the designing jelly?izzit apply before the hair dry or apply after the hair dry?and can I know when applly it,need to blow the hair ?izzit every jelly apply the same way?


  • Hi Angel,

    I applied on dry hair and never blow dry. I’ll do a review on how to get that wavy hair tomorrow 😉

  • Hi i’m Yong here.have you posted on the steps you took to curl your hair?I have the situation like you and would love to get some advice from you=).

  • Hi Yong,

    No I haven’t. I will post but not so soon as there’s other review waiting to be posted up. Sorry.

  • Apologies Yong. Suppose I wanted to do the step-by-step guide on curling the hair using Liese Designing Jelly but I lost all the pictures. Need to retake need weekend. Sorry! Hang on ya


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