Category / Animal


I Saved A Puppy From The Drain

Hi girls,

I’m feeling extremely happy today so I thought of sharing with you an experience which I had yesterday night. It might be a bit lengthly ya so bear with me lol!! *Happy ppl talk a lot*

Something which you might not know of. I’ve been feeding a puppy since last year and then SHE whom all the while I thought is a HE got pregnant! She gave birth 1-2 months ago to unknown amount of puppies and yesterday a few of them finally came out from hiding! Then for no reason another mummy doggie appears with 4 puppies! So now I’m feeding 6 dogs.

Okay so that’s the history of what’s happening at my neighborhood. Now back to the story.

Yesterday night around 8-ish pm I heard soft whining type of puppy cry. Yesterday itself I notice there’s a few new addition to the stray pups & dogs which I have been feeding so I thought maybe they’re playing around. The crying continue for half an hour and I couldn’t stand the pity cry. I stand at my porch trying to hear where’s the cry from and I thought it’s my neighbor’s grand daughter laughter as it does sound like a kid. It was drizzling too. I told mum I’ll take a look later if the crying continue after the rain.

Then it rained heavily. Maybe because of the heavy wind and rain I couldn’t hear the cry anymore so I assure myself maybe the pups were just playing around and are taking cover from the rain now. As the rain settle down a bit, I heard the cry again. I kept looking at mum. Mum said most probably a pup fell into the drain. I said to her how is it possible? That’s when I started to get worried. I couldn’t sit quietly. I have a fear that the heavy flowing rain water would wash the poor fella away. I kept looking at my mum indicating to her I wanna go out in the heavy rain to take a look and I kept looking out to check if the rain subsided a bit but it seems like this is gonna be a long rain. I couldn’t wait anymore so I got changed, took an umbrella with a torch light and headed out. As I came near a house down the street, I could hear the cry clearly. I walked near to the drain and took a peep. That’s when I saw the poor kid shivering in cold and fear. Till now I still can remember how fearful his eyes is. He’s curled up sitting like a ball. Okay, one thing you must know about me is that I’m scared of drain. If I need to walk pass a drain I’d be yelling for a hand to hold on to. But I have no time to be scared now. I ran back home yelling for mum to come out and hold the umbrella for me. Mum knew I’m scared of drain and the drain is kinda big. She asked if we can get dad to do it. I said no. I wanna do it myself.

When I got back to the drain with my mum, mum saw the poor fella and she felt a bit guilty for not letting me do it earlier. She kept going on and on about how pity he is. Since I’m well-known for my clumsiness, mum kept reminding me to be careful as I slowly climbed in the drain. As soon as I’m standing behind the puppy, he stop crying! Clever boy. He looked back as I was about to grab him and I hesitated a bit fearing he will bite me. Although I like dogs at the same time I’m scared of dogs! Thanks to the existence of Lucas in our life I became less fearful nowadays.

All 3 of us; me holding the super cute puppy and mum covering us with an umbrella walked to the place where the mummy dog is at. There’s no sign of her anywhere. I put the pup down at a rain-proof place. Mum touched the pup a bit and he yelped so loud! LOL @ mum.

1 hour later I went back to check if the pup is still there and gladly to see that he’s no longer there. This means the stupid mummy of his picked him up. He was crying a bit after we left. Maybe his mummy heard his cry.

Hope he’s doing good now. I will always remember this experience. I won’t forget the pup’s face when he looked at me.

P/S: Anyone know any bread shop that can donate overnight unsold sausage roll bread?


Rescuing Fiona, The Blind Dog Living in a Trash

This is one of the animal rescue video that makes my heart ache watching. Maybe it’s the background music which make it quite a bit dramatic.

Oh and by the way, the rescued dog’s name is also Fiona. Hmmm.



Beagle Freedom Project

These 9 beagles spent their entire lives in a research lab where they never saw sun, grass, trees, or any of God’s beautiful creations. Thanks to this organization, they were rescued and this is the video showing their first time outside. Get a tissue ready.




Animal Event

Today, 4th Oct is World Animal Day

Photo credit:

Yes peeps. October 4th is World Animal Day.  Let’s celebrate the day for those who cares about the animals!

World Animal Day was started in 1931 at a convention of ecologists in Florence as a way of highlighting the plight of endangered species. Since then it has grown to encompass all kinds of animal life and is widely celebrated in countries throughout the world. October 4 was chosen as World Animal Day as it is the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.
It is intended as a day of celebration for anyone in the world who cares about animals. It is not restricted to any one nationality, creed, religion, political belief or ideology.
Launched in the UK on 4 October 2003, organisations, groups, animal shelters, places of worship, schools, clubs and individuals participated in what was to become an annual event and, quite simply, helped make history!
Since the official World Animal Day website was launched in 2003, the number of World Animal Day events taking place throughout the world has increased year upon year and with your help we can ensure the trend continues.
And that is the aim of this website, to encourage everybody to use this special day to commemorate their love and respect for animals by doing something special to highlight the importance of animals in the world.
We are sure you will agree that, building the World Animal Day initiative is a wonderful way to unite the animal welfare movement and something that everyone can join in with whether they are part of an organisation, group, or as an individual.
On this website we are sure you will find everything you need to make World Animal Day a reality in your area but do please let us know if you think something is missing. There’s no better time than now to start making plans – please get involved and show the animals you care.


Baby Harper, the Miracle Puppy

Stumbled upon this heartbreaking news from Today MSNBC. I’m gonna share with you this amazing story.

Harper was so afflicted by a rigor-mortis-like condition that she could barely move. Today, she’s walking almost like a normal dog.

Sometimes the only humane thing to do is to put a dog to sleep. Just three weeks ago, Erica Daniel steeled herself to take that difficult step with Harper, a small puppy in her care.

Daniel, 26, fosters dogs that need serious help, and Harper had come to her in the most desperate of circumstances. On Aug. 31, a woman in Sanford, Fla., first encountered the little dog when she spotted a squirming garbage bag.

“There was a man outside the Save-A-Lot selling pit-bull puppies for $50 a pop,” Daniel explained. “This woman approached him and noticed a noise coming from a garbage bag he was holding. She asked him, ‘What’s in the bag?’ and he said, ‘Don’t worry about it.’ ”

The woman pressed the issue and the man opened — and gave her — the contents of the bag. Inside was a puppy so deformed that it couldn’t walk or hold up its head. Shelter workers and veterinarians grimaced when they saw the dog and came to the same conclusion: It really should be euthanized.

This is how Harper looked when she was rescued. Born with a condition commonly called “swimmer puppy syndrome”. Harper had a flattened chest wall and could not walk or hold her head up.

This is how Harper looked when she was rescued. Born with a condition commonly called “swimmer puppy syndrome,” Harper had a flattened chest wall and could not walk or hold her head up.

That’s when Daniel, a regular at the local animal shelter, stepped in. She decided to take the puppy home for one full and final day of unabashed affection. “I had to show her what it was like to be loved,” Daniel said. “I’d planned on taking her home that night, letting her sleep in bed with us, and having her humanely euthanized in the morning.”

What a difference a day can make. Today, Harper is not only alive — she’s thriving. The frisky gray puppy is gaining more and more mobility each day, to the astonishment of onlookers and medical professionals.

Harper’s rapid recovery began on that initial day with Daniel. The puppy had been born with a condition commonly dubbed “swimmer puppy disorder,” and most dogs afflicted with it don’t survive. The formal name of Harper’s disorder, pectus excavatum, causes puppies to lie flat on their chests with their legs perpetually splayed out, as if they were humans — or perhaps frogs — swimming through water.

“The longer she was like that, the more she stayed in that position,” Daniel said. “It felt like rigor mortis — like her legs might break.”

Despite that, Daniel kept massaging Harper’s tight muscles, hoping to alleviate at least some of her stiffness and pain. Within just a few hours, Harper started lifting her head and looking around. Her front legs became more limber as well, so much so that she tried using them to walk and pull herself around.

Daniel’s reaction: “WHOA.”

Convinced that this determined little dog needed a second opinion, she canceled the following morning’s appointment and made a new, hopeful one with a veterinarian at the University of Florida. At first, the vet described the reasons Harper probably would need to be put to sleep. The list included the likelihood of degenerative bone disease, brain abnormalities and a severe heart murmur.

They decided to do a few tests just to be sure. And, as it turned out, the rumors of Harper’s demise were greatly exaggerated. Her organs were functioning just fine, and she had no heart murmur or serious brain abnormalities. The medical conditions she did have required treatment — but nothing that warranted putting her to sleep.

Some nice people at Hip Dog Canine Hydrotherapy & Fitness in Winter Park, Fla., heard about Harper and donated free hydrotherapy and massage therapy to the puppy. Harper responded remarkably well, and before long she actually started walking.

“She started out on grass, then carpet, then concrete,” Daniel said. “She still can’t walk on tile or hardwood floors, but she’s getting there.”

Bev McCartt, a Hip Dog therapist, explained that swimming has helped teach Harper what her natural gait should be.

Bev McCartt of Hip Dog Canine Hydrotherapy & Fitness offered to provide free therapy sessions to Harper after hearing the puppy’s story.

“Her brain kicked in and by the end of her first session, she was like, ‘Oh, I can do this,’ ” McCartt said. “She’s a walking miracle. She’s a real testament to a dog’s determination to get up and just go.”

Today, Harper is about 11 weeks old, and she’s holding her own playing with the seven other dogs at Daniel’s home. Daniel estimates that Harper should be ready to be adopted in about a month — that is, if she can handle parting with her.

“Right now we’re saying that eventually she’ll be available for adoption because we haven’t made any decisions,” Daniel said. “If I give her up, that will make it possible for me to foster another dog. But she’s like a baby to me. I just don’t know!”

This is not the first time Daniel has taken on an impossibly sad case and witnessed an incredible transformation. In April of last year, she began fostering Dolly, a pit bull that had been used as a bait dog in a dog-fighting ring. Dolly’s injuries were severe; her mouth was so swollen that she couldn’t eat. With careful attention and lots of love, Dolly recovered. Today she’s a happy girl and an American Kennel Club-certified “Canine Good Citizen.”

Dolly’s saga prompted Daniel to establish Dolly’s Foundation on Jan. 1 of this year. The organization rescues and rehabilitates homeless, neglected and abused American Pit Bull Terriers and other bully breed dogs, and it has plenty of puppies and dogs available for adoption.

“They’re just dogs,” Daniel said of pit bulls, noting the breed’s negative image. “Dogs need love, and they need homes.”

That’s certainly proven true in Harper’s case.

“The whole world was against her, but she’s such a fighter,” Daniel said. “She’s a blessing. She’s awesome.”

At her first hydrotherapy session.

“Hydrotherapy and massage actually build on that instinct for a dog to move,” Hip Dog therapist Bev McCartt said, adding that Harper is “a real testament to a dog’s determination to get up and just go.”

Harper has benefited from a mix of treatments: hydrotherapy, massage therapy and electric stimulation of her muscles.

After one of her early massages, Harper got “all loosey-goosey, like we all are after a massage,” Bev McCartt said. “She just kind of melted into the pad.” Later that same day, she started to trot.

“She has so much determination and grit,” Bev McCartt said. “She’s a miracle puppy. That’s how I see her. She’s a walking miracle.”

Harper the puppy has thrived after receiving personalized attention and care.

Harper has been holding her own and playing happily with the seven other dogs at Erica Daniel’s home. “My dogs really egg her on,” Daniel said.

All smiled up 🙂

She’s indeed a miracle puppy!