Category / Ciracle

Ciracle Review: Skin Care Skin Care - Pores Concern

Review: Ciracle Pore Control Blackhead Off Sheet, A Simpler Solution to Blackheads, Whiteheads and Sebum-Free Face

Have you ever been in the situation where your friend, who have the perfect skin tells you that her pores are large and full with blackheads and sebum? And you are literally staring closely at her nose and inner cheeks trying to find a single bit of evidence that they suffer from large pores and blackheads? Well, I’ve been in that odd situation countless times. My reaction would always be “you have large pores? Have you ever seen mine?” 😀

My solution to removing these stubborn blackheads from my nose before using Ciracle Pore Control Blackhead Off Sheet is by using peel-off egg white pore pack. For face is just normal scrubbing and deep cleansing mask, praying hard that blackheads and whiteheads will be reduced and gone after a period of time. However I still prefer Ciracle Pore Control Blackhead Off Sheet for the hassle-free and effective result.

Ciracle Pore Control Blackhead Off Sheet 1
Ciracle Pore Control Blackhead Off Sheet is a gentle remover sheet that removes blackheads, even whiteheads and excess sebum from the pore minus the unnecessary irritation. These sheets contain essence that are made from a special formula that helps to soften the skin and pull away any dirt from the surface of the skin and out from the pores.