AUPRES Review: Skin Care Skin Care - Hydrating Skin Care - Masks

Review: Waking up to a Bouncy Skin with AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask EX. How? The Key is Improving Skin Function and Rejuvenate Skin While Sleeping

I’m pretttttyyy sure you’ve tried the old AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask. To be honest I’m not quite a fan of sleeping mask because I rely on slapping on a thick gel moisturizer to sleep which works as sleeping mask most of the time 😀 . I did tried one of the Korean brand that was famous for it’s sleeping mask but felt it to be a bit meh. I then tried AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask (because I like the white little balls in it) and thought it’s rather cool that the white balls melts away during application. Not quite there yet in impressing me. I still felt that my gel moisturizer works better. When AUPRES said they are reformulating, repackage and relaunch it’s famous AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask, I have high hopes. The new sleeping mask is now named as AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask EX.

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AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask was first launched back in August 2009. The product was initiated after researcher found that lack of sleep will lead to skin roughness, dryness and dullness. AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask EX is a one-step easy solution to those that are too busy with everyday lifestyle. Regardless if you have dry skin or even oily skin, retaining the skin’s moisture level is very important. I am a firm believer that a properly hydrated skin (even oily skin) will be able to prevent and solve any skin problem 😀

The new AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask EX is in a cutesy pink, semi-clear tub. No prize for guessing I melted a bit seeing the pink. I’m a pink girl 😀 . The whole package comes with a 80g of AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask EX, a spatula in a casing and a product leaflet.

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I would expect to see a separate inner lid for the tub of AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask EX, but there wasn’t any. Not that I mind. Just curious. The new tub opening is however sealed with a transparent plastic. If I’m not mistaken it’s previous ancestor doesn’t have have a separate inner lid too.

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AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask EX comes in a gel type consistency and texture. This slumber mask will then intensively act and do it’s magic on the skin during sleep. Are you aware that the golden hour for skin renewal and rejuvenation is from 10pm to 2pm? During that period of time, cell division that are responsible for regenerating the skin rises up by 300 per cent. When the skin metabolic rate speeds up, the body’s cell shows an increase of production and reduced the protein breakdown. Protein are building blocks needed for cell growth and for repair of damage accumulated from daytime activity such as ultraviolet rays. So that’s why during night time these protein breakdown is reduced to help with skin rejuvenation. However skin renewal and skin repair activity peaks at around 1am. That is also the time when we are in the deepest sleep. This, is called beauty sleep 😀


Main Features of AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask EX

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AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask EX works by implementing it’s three main features into the sleeping mask.

  • Skin Beautifying Fine Turning Factor – help to increase skin’s cell turnover and revitalize the skin.
  • Recovering Ingredient For Troubled Skin Due To Lack of Sleep – help in preventing skin issues caused by lack of beauty sleep. So even if you have bad sleep, you will still wake up with a good skin!
  • Lavender Scent – helps to sleep well and in giving a deep, sound sleep at night.


You must be wondering what is that small little white beads in the gel right? These are actually called the microcapsules that contain hydration energy. On the older version of AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask, I know that the beads melts away as I was massaging the gel onto my face. What I like about the new AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask EX is that I can actually feel the microcapsules and feel the microcapsules broke on the touch of my fingers as I was massaging. Even before that I dropped by AUPRES counter and had a small demo on the back of my hand, I was literally surprised that I can actually feel and I know these water beads broke and melt. I wasn’t expecting that 🙂

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So what does this sleeping mask do? Simple. The name of the product “AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask EX” really gave it away. You apply this on top of all your skin care, yes you still need to apply your skin care and just go to sleep. There will be no rinsing required. It’s a sleeping mask! What this sleeping mask do is that it further enhance and moisturize your skin as you sleep because sometimes the serum/emulsion/cream that you applied on is not sufficient. Remember the skin renewal and rejuvenation golden hours that I was talking about earlier? By layering AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask EX on, your skin will continue to work on the cell renewal even after the golden hour. That’s the whole purpose of applying AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask EX on 😀

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Using this AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask EX is really simple. I usually use the spatula to scoop some of the sleeping mask out, dot onto both my cheeks, forehead, nose, chin and spread all over face. There wasn’t any technique really but AUPRES do have a recommended application method, which I don’t follow when it comes to Step 2 lol. However I would still want you to know the proper way of using AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask EX so here’s a diagram that I made for you 😉

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AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask EX is recommended to use 2 to 3 times a week. You don’t need to use it every night but if you insist, why not? Just go ahead and do whichever your skin is comfortable with 😀 . I’m a bit of a skin care freak so I use this on every alternate night. Sometimes if my skin is telling me that I don’t have enough skin care on I’ll just slap on a layer of this sleeping mask. The scent is quite fragrant. My nose detect mostly floral scent. AUPRES did maintain it’s original scent from the previous version. I don’t find it nose clogging but there are times when my hormones are acting up, I do feel a bit nauseas. It’s not the sleeping mask. I will be nauseas on everything else usually lol. Ahhh the joy of being a women.

My experience? Well, I was shocked. It was a Saturday morning and I had AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask EX the night before. Most sleeping mask is in gel texture but rather thick and sticky. This one is the total opposite. It’s in gel no doubt but it turns to slightly watery upon spreading and because of that, it doesn’t sit on the surface of my skin. Most people told me they will prevent from applying skin care at night as they wouldn’t want to stain the pillow. I say why not put a face towel on top of the pillow? I used to detest at this but eventually I did sleep on a face towel on top of my pillow as my skin care is staining my pillow badly. Usually I will sleep on my back for a bit, letting all the skin care absorb into my skin before I turn to the side. With other sleeping mask, I will still wake up with a layer of mask on my face. This layer of mask is sticky and oily that are slippery when I wash my face. The shocking part that I was telling you earlier is that I woke up with a oil-free, clean face. That is really really odd for me as I never woke up with oil-free face. I bounced out of bed straight to the mirror and what I saw is a well-hydrated and brighter skin. So without brushing my teeth and washing my face, here’s my out-of-bed look. What did I tell ya 😉 . Convinced?

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Here’s the ingredient list for those that are interested.

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What can I say? I said I don’t quite like sleeping mask as none have convince me but the new AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask EX managed to prove to me that sleeping mask indeed work and it does hydrate the skin all night long. The different between the old version with the new version is the added Lavender scent that promote relaxing and good sleep throughout the night. The new version also provide a full 8-hours of hydration during sleep. Now I get the hype 😀


AUPRES Aqua Active Sleeping Mask EX is available at all AUPRES counter at Parkson Pavilion, Parkson KLCC and Parkson Sungei Wang.
Price: RM95 for 80g. Same price as previous version.

Visit AUPRES Malaysia Facebook page for latest updates


Disclaimer: Product was sent to me for review consideration. This doesn’t affect my judgement in the review in any way.


Comments (20)

  • Oh my finally I saw the review from you…read on the CLEO magazine the other day and saw the invitation card to get samples from Aupres…I want this, the little white beads really attracts me! Looks really convincing and your face looks bright and glowy eh~ I do have trouble using sleeping mask as it really stain all over my pillow and I have sticky hair on my face…duh! I’m gonna try this when I go to KL next month!

    • Yes finally 😀 . I missed the launch event but AUPRES was kind enough to send me one to try and review. I actually redeemed two deluxe sample. I have five cards but wasn’t allowed to redeem more than one 🙁 . My face was the living proof hehe. I think I might want to use it everyday for the next two weeks. I just love the effect when I wake up.

      • Now you make my heart itches to try this! >.<

        • Try it! Seriously no regret 😀

  • One of my main concern was feeling sticky the next morning after using sleeping mask. I had use a few and also this sample when I get from Mivva box. I don’t use it when I sleep but I use it few hours before sleep, leaving it on my face for few hours and doing my own things and remove it before I sleep. Kinda waste I think. I think it has partial effect but not as good as overnight effect. Haha….

    • Actually I’m not very concern about the stickiness the next morning as I usually brush my teeth and wash my face immediately after I got out of bed. It’s a good idea to use it a few hours before sleep to minimize stickiness but you missed the skin repairing time frame haha. You should be soundly asleep by 11am 😛 . Not to worry too much though. The new AUPRES sleeping mask actually continue skin rejuvenating the whole night even after passing the golden hour. I for one don’t sleep by 11am. Usually by 12.30am. The last photo of me is a after-photo of a few hours sleep. I slept at 2am and woke up at 8am 😀

  • I’m a big fan of sleeping mask. Haha, most of the time I sleep quite late so sleeping mask is a savior to me. Definitely adding this to my to-get list. I tried the older version and I quite like it. I guess with the newer and improved version, it will hydrate my skin better. Hehe

    • I’ve tried the older version too. Don’t quite work for me. Not moisturizing enough. This one is just nice.

  • Aqua sleeping mask looks quite effective and easy to apply on face because I can read the direction and ingredients clearly above in a pic. I am going to use it for sure and definitely I’ll pin this post for all my friends. I know they will also like this fantastic product.

    • Hi Melissa, yes it is very easy to use and effective too! It works well for me most probably I’m oily skin, not dry. I don’t need to over-hydrate my skin 😉

      Thanks in advance for pinning the post for your friends! 😀

  • I read another blogger review that it is not hydrating enough for her. Probably her skin is dehydrated/dry type. I’m surprised this mask work so well with oily skin like yours. This reminds me to redeem my sample from Cleo hehehehe

    • Oh yes I read that too. Her skin is dry type I think. So she need more hydration which is why she mentioned this sleeping mask doesn’t give her enough hydration. As for me, I cannot hydrate my face too much or it will over-hydrate and turned to oily skin. My skin changes accordingly. Usually day time I try to apply lesser skin care and if need more skin care but oil-free type. So sleeping mask is another alternative for me.

  • I think I still have a quarter of the original sleeping mask left. I actually couldn’t use it too often, maybe three days apart at least. Otherwise, I found that a few pimples would pop up! Hopefully, this new one won’t have the same effect on me. The lavender scent sounds sooo enticing! No time to get the Cleo sample and buy the new one yet. Probably will have to go during CNY. 😀

    Oh dear, whatever happened to my stop buying beauty stuff? Gah. 😛

    • That’s because it’s too moisturize for you. Gapping it apart is a good idea. I don’t use a lot because it turns to watery after I rub in slightly so it’s kinda moisturising. If you get it, try to sniff if you can smell the lavender. I can’t but glad that I can’t. I don’t really like lavender on the face. There’s a special set for this sleeping mask. Quite worthy 😉

      My dear, you will never stop buying beauty stuff. I stopped for one week and now hands are itchy.

  • I first tried sleeping mask from Naruko. Read lotsa raves online. Back then there was Laneige too. Hehe, I have not redeemed the sample from Cleo magazine. It certainly does a great job on your skin. Looks very hydrated, healthy and happy skin 🙂

    • Naruko was highly raved thanks to Niu Er. I’ve never tried their products though. I see no improvement with Laneige. I don’t wake up with a WOW like how I did with Aupres 🙂
      Go redeem! I still have 3 more to go OMG.

      • Yes, I didn’t feel much difference with Naruko. It felt like another layer of product on my skin. So I didn’t keep it as part of my night routine. This Aupres one looks promising. Aight madam, I shall redeem it next week 🙂 I foresee I will pack the sample pack during my CNY trip to my hometown. There will be a lot of hot weather, lotsa food and maybe less sleep. The sleeping mask should do me good 🙂

        • Exactly what I felt with Neutrogena one from Wonderbox. It’s too sticky and just sit on the face. Great idea to bring the sample pack to hometown. That small pot will last you at least three usage 🙂 . Taking a long break for CNY?

          • Hehe, will spend a week long in good old Penang. I have not returned for a long time already. With the heat and food galore, I think I need to boost my skin to prevent breakout and also dehydration. So fast…another Lunar New Year beckons. Time flies.

          • Oh Penang. The island would be much more festive than KL. I have not go to Penang for a long time. I love Chinese New Year haha

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